As we look to inauguration, we must not forget!

As I sit here, it is continuing to rain outside, and my mood is focused on the inauguration tomorrow.  I look forward to a new president whose administration has a real plan to address the pandemic, including masks and a national roll-out of vaccinations. I am hopeful Biden and Harris will be able to restore the faith of the world in America.

I also took a moment to watch Melania's farewell video and felt like I was watching a Netflix film where a sovereign's queen or spouse is looking at her future.  She does not come across as if she genuinely cares for the country, but she agrees with Trump's view of what we can do for them.

We must not forget that the impact of Trump and his followers will last for years, nor should we forget as citizens and voters to assure these times will not be repeated by Trump or those that may desire to follow him.

The rain continues as I remember other presidents and other times. I remember Nixon's downfall but realize his angst was as much his internal demons and fears as that of someone looking to take advantage of the world for his own benefit.

I remember Carter, a well-meaning and intelligent soul who did not seem to understand the mechanics of Washington. Can you imagine him in the age of social media?  

I remember Reagan, his triumphant optimism while he ignored HIV and the ravage of aids, and could have saved numerous gay men and others' lives.  

I remember George H Bush as we marched off to war and his failed promise on taxes.

I remember Bill Clinton.  Young optimism, intelligence, and Hillary's attempt at a new healthcare system.  For many years, even though impeached, I thought he was the best president in my lifetime.  He is smart.  Figured out how to take the spears from the opposition and get work done.  But, watching the recent discussion of challenges women have faced, I realize his transgression against Monica Lewinsky was more than just a sex act in the oval office.  This was an act of the utmost power taking advantage of someone much younger, making me realize I must rethink my opinion of him.

I remember George W Bush and his embrace of conservatism to get elected.  I remember his use of the fear of gays and gay marriage to get reelected.  I also remember the second Iraq war that was fought on lies, resulting in many soldiers and citizens' deaths.  He seems so much kinder and gentler today, doesn't he?  He shares candies with Michelle Obama, kind words, and apparently the same disdain for Donald Trump.  But, I don't want to forget the war or the hate he leveraged to rise to power.

I remember Obama.  I admired the honor and trust he and Michelle brought to the Whitehouse.   You knew wherever Obama went, and Michelle, the words and thoughts from them came from intelligence, honor, compassion, and truth.  It is amazing the lack of scandal and the continued adoration of this country and the world for Obama. 

He leveraged the advantage of a majority to pass Obamacare.  The ability in my 40's to get somewhat affordable insurance on my own freed me from having to work in corporate America.

I also admired how Obama was confident enough to take pride in his wife’s popularity and leadership.

But, now we sit the morning before the end of the Trump dynasty, and I hope we all don’t forget: 

The many investigations into him, his presidency, and the numerous convictions.  


His lies about the pandemic.  A study quoted on NPR that Trump is the leading misinformer about the pandemic worldwide based on his following on social media.  Can you wonder where we would be if Twitter, Facebook, and others had the courage to lock him out way before the election?


Don’t forget about the different politicians and pundits standing by his side, bragging about the emperor’s accomplishments more akin to the emperor's nonexistent new clothes.  Sharing to soothe Trump's ego so they can share in his spotlight and increase their own power and wealth.  I hope as we click through Fox news and online sites, we remember and don't stop.


We should not forget the numerous federal judges who were rushed through approvals, threatening my rights as a gay man and threatening women's rights and their rights to choose what they do with their own bodies.  


We shouldn’t forget all of the hate speech, including the discussion of election fraud and rallies that changed the march a few weeks ago into an attack on the nation’s Capitol.


We should not foget the heartless rhetoric and immigration policies that for the first time I wasn't proud to be an American. As he bragged about over 400 miles of wall between us and Mexico, over 600 children remain in internment camps separated from parents that can’t be found.


How many of us have cringed on Zoom calls listening and wondering how this great country was consumed by an unqualified TV Reality star cloaked in dishonesty and hate compared to Hillary, the most qualified candidate for president in our lifetime. 


We can’t forget he opened pandora's box, allowing all white supremacists, hate-mongers, antisemites, and more to come out of their closet and not be shy of their hate for others.  Knowing that by careful choice of words, he communicated to them that a vote for Trump was also voting against the Obamas and their race.  


He couldn’t repeal, but he did gut Obamacare.  The removal of many of the requirements for insurance policies has been nothing short of amazing.  Between large premiums and large deductibles, my insurance company (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas) felt compelled to send me a letter, a disclaimer, explaining that my new health policy has very little coverage.


Don’t forget that those opposed to Obamacare seem to appreciate the insurance for their children under 26 and the protection against preexisting conditions that the law provides as they continue to challenge it in court and disparage it publically.


Don’t forget there is still a pandemic raging across the world and this country. Because he only cares about himself, Trump never took the time to understand the federal government's role to help prevent new cases and roll out the vaccine.  His lack of honesty about the pandemic not only hurt the citizens of this country but those across the world who followed and believed him.


We better not forget that McConnell will go down as the political genius of the Trump era. He masterfully leveraged an ignorant president to stack the courts with those of his ideology.  He supported the president to support his will and not Trump's, and the proof may come if he votes to impeach him to assure he can't run again.


I do agree with the president on one thing, but not for his benefit.  The social media and technology industry leaders need to be investigated, and where monopolistic powers exist, they need to be broken up.  These online communities enable lies, hate, and violent organizations to keep our attention as ad revenues and profits grow. They need to be challenged while not attacking our right to freedom of speech.

The champion of the last four years will be the constitution.  The judiciary stood up to the president and his posse against the false challenges of a secure and trusted election.  We also have a heroine Nancy Pelosi and the house that has stood up over and over against a president who deserved to be impeached for a second time.  

The president and his extended posse all need to be investigated to determine what of their ills were criminal and assure that future politicians know that this country stands for law, order, and justice even when the culprit is the president and his family.

That said.. for the first time in four years, I do have hope and a sense of optimism.  Biden is a good and honest man who understands government and its positive role it can play in these troubling times. Kamala Harris is a very able and competent leader. She will not only be a good partner to Biden, but a face and voice for and women around the world to continue to admire. As they reposition this country to address the many challenges we face, including the pandemic, the economy, and global warming, they will re-establish our country as an important global leader.

I hope tomorrow we will all come together peacefully as a country to celebrate democracy, our constitution, and the promise of the USA.


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