
Showing posts from November, 2020

A pre-Thanksgiving Message from my home in Longview, TX

I sit here on the cusp of another Thanksgiving holiday. As I can figure this is number 56 as I was born the day before my first. I started to write about Trump, COVID, and how we got to where the world and our country are and I thought who in the hell needs to read about that!  So, I thought maybe the right thing to do, in honor of Thanksgiving, is to make a list of what I am grateful for. First, I am grateful for Frank, DaisyBelle, and Lucky.  We may not have the textbook family, but we definitely have found a home together.  I am honestly not sure how others survive without pets in their home when the humans we love have to put up with us every day.  Second, I am thankful we moved from Austin to Longview, TX.  We may miss Central Market, and even miss the walk around Lady Birdy Lake and our neighbors, but being in Longview near family is a joy.  It also took the pressure out of our life when the world decided to go a bit haywire.  We have a nice home...

I sit here the evening before another presidential election. Four years ago, I was excited, and wondering tonight could I do more?

I sit here the evening before another presidential election.  Four years ago, I was excited.  I had voted for Hillary, proudly, and was watching the polls and thought this was a great day for America.  I have to confess to waking up Tuesday morning with a gut feeling that something in the universe was not going the right way.  Without any doubt, I still am sure she would have been the better president and more qualified if not the most qualified president in my lifetime. So, although the polls all show Biden in a stronger position than she was, I worry.  Ok, it is my inclination to worry, but there is still a concern not only about what happens tomorrow but how difficult the current president will make certifying this election if it doesn't go his way.   Then, I wondered what could I do?  There may be 1 person in my network on Facebook who is undecided, maybe one more blog post would sway them the right way. Here it goes.. let’s make this simple.....