Brian's Corona Virus Day 3 and Day 4 adventure

So... trying to write each day and will publish occasionally... and add some funny comics along the way.  Keep Smiling!

Day 3: Self isolation in East Texas 3 21 2020

First of all, there are no recipes for dealing with a time that has not been seen before.  My parents said they remember the rationing of WWII but at least you could out and socialize, and my Dad mentioned there was a black market for things as well so people who had means could find what they needed.  So, what do you do when the world is under the best recommendation seems to be that people isolate themselves to slow down the progression of this virus as to not overwhelm our healthcare systems until there is a cure and or vaccine.

I don't know what others are doing.  We are effectively on day 3 of true isolation.  We had been socializing with immediate family, but since the recent changes in California and Pennsylvania and some news that east Texas is seeing spikes in fevers, we have decided to isolate ourselves more to protect others as much or more than ourselves.  So, we all wonder what this is going to be like and for how long.

I started about a week or so ago playing the dutiful squirrel.  Not overdoing grocery shopping but making sure each time I was in the store I bought something extra.  Whether it was extra frozen vegetables, ground meat or such for the freezer, or canned tuna and such that we would eat any way.  I haven't bought things that if the world woke up tomorrow and said it was all over that we wouldn't be happy to have.  There is also a place called Nanny Goats here. that they have different casseroles and soups you can buy to heat up later.  Smart, they include directions if you freeze them and I have bought enough casseroles and things for about 10 meals and they are in the freezer.  And, as far as paper goods. we had enough TP but when they rolled it out in Kroger, I bought one more package, and feel relatively confident there will be more when we get to that point.

But, truthfully on a personal note, I worry the most about the mental health of myself and others.  Humans are truly a social animal, and I am no different.  Getting out and seeing other people is important, and I am also concerned how much of a burden I could become to Frank if I am not content and happy.  I remember a few times in the past whether after hurricanes, or big snowstorms, and I know I can get testy after a while of isolation and I know this will be a longer haul than those times.  So, I have decided to make sure I get out alone at least twice a day whether to walk, drive or take miss Belle for a walk so that I try and keep peace of mind in what is a trying time. 

What does strike me the most, is to approach this with curiosity as much as anything.  We have not been through anything like this before, and I need to keep my mind open to all kinds of new ideas.  Should I color my hair purple?  nobody but Frank will see it.  Will an online happy hour be happy or depressing?  What online classes should I take, and what other ways can I try to improve upon myself in these times?  So, yes..  I am wondering about possibilities and hoping to not get the sickness and hope to not contribute to anyone else getting sick as well.

Day 4:

Or it may be day 5, I start the day with my usual.  Hopefully a long walk that is followed by a trip to   We needed salad greens.  We have a Kroger here about 1/2 mile from the house and they have done a yeoman’s job of restocking.  Frank went to Albertson's yesterday and mentioned how well stocked they seemed to be, so I went there, and he was right.  They have put up signs of limits all over the store and it seems to be working.   There was ample produce, even some fresh chickens and even fresh seafood. There were even a few rolls of toilet paper.  So, as we move forward, I think things will be more normal although not sure what the new normal will be.
the grocery store.

I also noticed people are kinder.  If you are in line to check out and someone only has a few items, then you let them go ahead.  People discuss, at a distance, what each of the stores seem to still have and people understand the uncertainty of it all.  So, what did I buy? More chicken thighs for the freezer.  Some beans as I have some of the beyond meat and butternut squash and plan in the next day or so to turn that into chili. 

Each day, I try and do something productive work wise and something productive for me.  What I know, is if I don't get out on my own at least for a half hour twice a day I will be more tense and that isn't good for anyone.

Thought for the day, for me and maybe help others.  We don't really know how long this will last, and hopefully the US will follow more the Chinese model and start to see a plateau of cases sooner than say Italy.  But we really haven't experienced this so find ways to breathe and give others in your life space and your patience as well.

Also, reach out to others in your life.  Just hearing another voice, or a text to find out how they are doing and share experiences scavenging at grocery stores can help you both weather the storm ahead. 


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