Happy New Year: Short and Sweet... my Top Ten lessons Learned in the Previous Decade

I have written starts and stops of a New Years blog. From the personal to the political and yet none of it was interesting enough to get out of my laptop or phone.

My Top Ten lessons Learned in the Previous Decade.

  1. Nothing energizes my soul more than the sun rising over the ocean. Sunsets would come close but I am a morning person.
  2. My road traveled has led me back to Savannah and Longview. After living up and down the east coast and central Texas, we are home.
  3. A cat has shown me more about the importance of actually meeting diversity in person. I didn’t like cats cause I never had one to love.
  4. Quality and results of good work are more important to me than titles and money.
  5. Top ten days start with a walk early in the morning, plenty of good coffee and hanging out with Frank and our four legged family. Nice it happens every day.
  6. I have traveled around the world and lived near some mighty pretty places, but Tybee in the winter and Savannah are right at the top of my list of pretty places to be. Only took me 37 years to realize!

  7. Arrogance should not be confused for self confidence or personal strength. Most arrogant people I encounter are hiding insecurity, unhappiness and an uncertainty of their own competence. ( political leaders at the front of the line ).
  8. Open minds don’t require acceptance of hate and bigotry. It is important to understand the origin of the hate and bigotry to help assure it does not follow us into future generations.
  9. Assumptions are the beginning of hate and bigotry. Assuming what makes you happy and content works for me or others is a mistake and starts negative judgement of others.
  10. Most importantly above all, as I look forward to 2020 and a new decade is to appreciate how lucky I truly am. I am proud of my first 55 Years, I genuinely like who I am, and am very lucky to have a great family and home with Frank and our extended family. I wake up knowing I am loved and hopeful as our future evolves it will be even happier and more content.

To everyone, I wish you all the happiest of New Years. As we all start a new decade may we all open our minds and hearts to each others’ differences and learn to appreciate how diversity enriches all of our lives.


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