Diversity lessons from a cat!
There are
opportunities that arise in ones life, that, when taken, can open our minds and
show us how to accept differences.
It all began with
a cat.
Some readers
might be in the “must love dogs” camp. Other on the “must love cats” team. From
my point of view, many people who love dogs, don't like cats. Take me for
example. My entire life I was sure that I was allergic to cats as I always
seemed to sneeze around them. My limited exposure to them plus the sneezing had
me believing that I would never actually have a cat in my house.
Dogs, such as
Daisybelle that you may all have heard of or seen a few pictures of in my blog,
Facebook or other places, are easy for me to love and understand. They are
happy when you come home, want to make you happy, and with a good personality
can be quite entertaining.
People can be the
same way. If you look around your neighborhood, you’ll probably find that your
neighbors share many of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
Those who work in
marketing, probably choose visuals that resemble themselves. It seems human
nature is to gravitate to what we know and like, either consciously or
subconsciously. Those in the marketing field are also prone to this quirk of
human nature, choosing imagery that supports their own bias.
In the past I
have written
about diversity and how it isn’t just good for society, but is good for
business. Cats belong in funny youtube
videos, and dogs belong in the best commercials and romantic comedies don’t
they? Just as I was biased against cats,
and had no experience to counter this attitude, I’m sure such biases extend to our
experiences at work and at play.
And, guess what,
Lucky is great. No, she isn’t a dog, but she does get excited when one of us
comes home. She is as likely to be at the window looking out for us as Miss
Belle. She enjoys human contact, without the ulterior motive of food or play,
and guess what? She and Miss Belle get along just fine.

The best marketing
and business outcomes are achieved by teams that open their minds to recognize and
celebrate differences. Suggestion. Do as I have. Meet a cat. Pet her. Maybe
even bring one home. Have a beer or a nosh with someone who is different. Such
acts will broaden your perspective and just possibly expand your business
opportunities as well.
I am confident
the odds are that you will find that you have more in common than at first