The imbalance of Healthcare and Capitalism?
Everybody deserves healthcare, and medicines that cure
diseases, eliminate allergies. Today’s
innovation in medicine and care help reduce pain, anxiety and depression,
improve nutrition and provide hope and well-being for those with diseases such
as cancer and AIDs live long and healthier lives.
In a world where most countries provide healthcare as part
of their society where does that leave the US?
Since I left the safety of a larger employer such as IBM, every career
move has had the underlying worry will I have health insurance. It isn’t just a discussion of costs; it is a
discussion as a middle-age male it gets harder to get coverage that is also affordable. Obamacare helped stabilize the costs, and
made it easy to sign up, but with the attacks from the political right the
concern that leaving employment, to say be an independent contractor can come
with its own set of challenges.
Why should a citizen of this country not have access to
basic healthcare, and from an economic point of view how can healthcare
providers make money where the sicker we are, the more we need insurance and
financial support, and the more expensive our care is. When we are healthy, we may or may not avoid
doctors. When we are young and feeling
invincible, we many choose not to buy insurance, whose premiums would help
reduce the burden for these companies to pay for the care of those who are
truly sick.
Obamacare tried to make health insurance a requirement, just
as states mandate that most people who own cars insurance and is a requirement
to register a car or get a license even.
Those mandates make car insurance a profitable business and probably
help with affordability as well. But car
insurance is not focused on maintenance of the car. We expect health insurance to not only cover
us when we are truly sick but also "routine maintenance of our
bodies" like physicals and the like. Imagine if car insurance also
included the tune-up and oil changes what the cost and profit picture might
look like.
On the flip side, and what started me writing this is my
continued quandary around the role of capitalism in medicine is an article in this weeks Business
week that exemplifies the challenge. The
article Antibiotics
Aren’t Profitable Enough for Big Pharma to Make More highlights
that pharmaceutical companies are disinvesting in antibiotics research because
there is a little money in developing newer ones. Especially as doctors have grown concerned
about drug resistant bacteria and wanting to hold off using newer meds to assure,
they are available when truly needed.
In the world of capitalism, if your disease happens to be a
profitable one then researching a cure moves your disease and cure to the front
of the line. Antibiotics, that helps
millions and we need newer ones to combat drug resistant strains of diseases
are not so pharmaceutical companies are limiting research and smaller players
are going out of business.
If healthcare is for all and effectively not driven my
markets and profits would we be better off?
Would governments and universities step in to fund the missing research
as pharmaceutical companies look to more profitable business? or will we effectively slow down medical
innovation to the pace of government?
I really don't know the answer. I don't think people should die or not have
good care because they are poor, lazy, or homeless. I also don't believe just
because one is rich their healthcare should move to the front of the line for
care such as transplants and other expensive health services. But, in a world that is driven by capital
and profits how do we keep the innovation in healthcare that has helped
millions of people around the world?