There are roads less taken in this world.

There are roads less taken in this world. I find, in my life, that has tended to be my path. I sit here this morning in Fort Lauderdale, looking at fogged over windows because I keep the AC on way cold at night, and this is a sign that summer and its humidity is truly here. Looking around the condo, that started as my home in early 2011 and in a city, I have called home since 1992 I know the dauntless task of packing begins. Except for a few years in the mid 2000’s I have had part of my life and much of my heart in Fort Lauderdale for 27 years and in this building for 25 of those years. Along the way have shared my home with others, dogs and split lives with New York, New Jersey and Provincetown but always had my foundation here in Fort Lauderdale and in this building. I sit here, with more coffee, after going to Home Depot for moving boxes, tape, and markers to put off the start of packing, and another sign that we are moving away to Austin, TX....