So, How do you feel this morning Mr. Silverman?

So, How do you feel this morning Mr. Silverman?

It is about 7 AM on Sunday the 8th, 48 degrees and chilly, so I watch the sunrise from our living room.  Palm trees swaying in the breeze and thinking about the past week and especially Friday.

To spend Friday afternoon, of the first week of the new year, watching a tragedy unfold 15 minutes from my home is surreal.  To watch the scene of a gun man shooting arriving passengers, many I am sure here for a holiday or a cruise, just because they were there.  Not sure how he chose Fort Lauderdale, or if they will ever find a motive beyond mental illness and some voices in his head, but this baggage claim area and the Delta Terminal is somewhere I have been I am sure 100's of times if not more in the almost 25 years I have been living in and coming to Fort Lauderdale.

I was truly touched by all the people texting me, and reaching out on Facebook to make sure I, Frank and Miss Belle were OK.  Was just a few weeks ago they came to the airport to pick me up.  I can't imagine the horror of families picking up visitors and not knowing who was safe or what was going on inside but stuck on the roadways into the airport.  Or, those unfamiliar with the surroundings and the airport or waiting on a plane to land or takeoff.  I must say, felt great pride in how well the Broward Sherrif's office handled the crisis.

When I first came here the airport was three modest terminals and a parking garage.  You could easily drive up and board a plane in a few minutes.  Parking was always available and I realized the hourly parking was half price what the long term parking was in Atlanta so was even easier in those days and easy to expense on a business trip.  Today,, Fort Lauderdale Airport is the 21st busiest airport in the country and each terminal has expanded and there is a new larger terminal supporting United, and Southwest and others.  The Delta terminal is the smallest of the four (thankfully).

What I do feel is the sense of gratefulness to the universe.  I was at the Earthquake in San Francisco in 1989 and survived and was home the next day. I had the luxury of seeing the devastation and getting out before they closed the airport.

I was at and had been around the towers before 911.  I think it was earlier that year was in the Marriott that was nearby visiting friends.  I had been down to Wall Street and walked around, and then been nearby for work meetings a few times.  But, on 911 I was safe across the Hudson River.

There have been a few hurricanes pass by my homes.  The first being David in Savannah, and then more that seemed to skirt by my life.  Most notably was Hurricane Floyd that passed Fort Lauderdale but hit my house outside of Nyack, NY. (a huge tree fell, and power was out but nothing to really be concerned about.).  This past year was Matthew the hurricane which even though we were prepared actually missed Fort Lauderdale, and a few years back Hurricane Sandy that just skirted our coastline here.

These moments shock my senses, and they also remind me that I am lucky to be safe, home with my family and watching the sunrise as miss Belle rolls on the carpet playing with her ball and patiently waiting for breakfast.

For all of you that reached out to me on Friday, you don't know how it made me feel.  It reminded me that I am loved, that there are people who care, and I am not alone in this universe beyond my front door.

My love back to all of you and wish you all a very safe and joyous new year.


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