I am a thoughtful, caring, educated, white, gay Jewish male, who is PROUD to have the opportunity to vote for Hillary Clinton!


I have tried, as someone commented here to be quiet politically.  People that know me well know what I stand for and who I will be voting for as soon as early voting starts.

I am tired of hearing about the liberal press, when all major newspapers have endorsed Hillary Clinton.

I am tired of hearing bias issues of the press, when the press has always been biased by their editorial staff.  I am reading Teddy Roosevelt's autobiography and he speaks of the different papers in New York in his era that all had a bias and voice.

What I am voting for is simple:

1) I care about women's rights and women's rights to make decisions about their own health.  In short, I am pro choice.  I have heard discussions of the senior generation about the risk to women when their rights to their own health care choices was not a guaranteed right and I trust women to know what is best for their own body and health.

2) I care that many people I know have gotten married, and are concerned that their legal marriages are at risk in this election.  Yes, it matters for those in long term committed and loving relationships who want the protections and rights they deserve and just happen to be of the same gender.

3) I care immensely about all minorities of this country, whether they are Latino, black, Arab, Muslim, Asian and many others and being assured that the rights in our brilliant constitution continue to apply to all Americans.

4) I care immensely about education, our infrastructure, and helping the generations after me  start with a stable foundation. I also care about our economy and keeping a free market active and driving value across the world.

With those in mind and many others, I am proudly voting for Hillary Clinton.  I actually can't wait to vote for her.  She is by far the most qualified candidate in my lifetime.  You can read more about her policies, her education, and her experience on her web site that define policy and her goals as president.  I have read her first book about her strength and will to protect and promote women's rights around the globe which is, in my opinion, one of the keys to world peace going forward.

If her only failings are misunderstanding how to secure emails, and having the desire and ambition to be president then I think we are in very good hands.

If she were a man with the same qualifications and issues this race would not even be close.

I will not vote for Donald Trump, because he is clearly biased against women.  He is obviously not educated on the politics, constitution and the world that we live in and believes sound bites are more valued that well thought out policies and understanding.  He comes across as someone who has lived  sheltered and protected life not in the real world and fails to show much compassion for anyone outside of his own family.  And, by his choice of running mate and proposed list of supreme court justices he puts my top three concerns all in jeopardy.

I will not vote for the other two party candidates, because neither of them sound reasonable, fair or knowledgeable in their own outlook of life or our economy.

Make no mistake, if you are concerned about any of my top three issues this election is as much about the Supreme Court as it is Hillary Clinton.  I will not put my nieces, grand-nieces, sisters, cousins and friends at risk of losing their hard fought rights.

So, forgive me if I am passionate about this choice.  I agree with many this may be the most important election in my lifetime and I will wait in line as long as I have to to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton.


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