"If you're going through hell, keep going." Winston Churchill

I know... people get depressed. Some people have a chemical imbalance or challenges in their soul that they can't shake. But here I sit in the middle of my condo wondering about Robin Williams, as many of you do. I have a blog here, and I write, and yet I feel somewhat at a loss for words but.. I will try. I have been depressed at times, as I assume we all are. I have walked across an occassional bridge concerned about falling into the highway and wondering how long before I would be missed. But, my reaction has always been to walk closer to the curb and keep walking. As Windston Churchill said, "If you're going through hell, keep going." Don't stop, for lack of a kinder term, living! Why could such a brilliant man not speed up? what will be his challenges that were so ornerous to his mind that moving on to be with his friend Christopher Reeves was the right choice. Think about the comparison, one man who was kept alive by...