
Showing posts from February, 2014

I must say no.. and not stay quiet.

I must weigh in more on the Arizona and now GA bills that will allow, based on religion, people to discriminate against others.  From what I have seen this bill does doesn't limit this to the LGBT community (not that would make it right!).  I read the bill (three times) and (  link is here)    basically it says if you can prove that it is against your religion to do something and are sincere you don't have to follow governmental regulations. This is being publicized as an anti-gay measure, but it truly allows any business or person to not serve a customer based on their religious beliefs.  So, a Christian store owner could deny a Jewish or Muslim customer entry to their store or visa verse. People decide who to be around.  Businesses decide who to target for their marketing and sales activities.  The issue here is not what they personally believe, either the business or the customer, but should a government in this country pass a law that san...
Random thoughts on a Saturday If Woody Allen is guilty, and I am leaning to believe his daughter.  Then there is no separating the art from the artist.  That would be like separating out the value of medical experiments in concentration camps from the perpetrators.  Frankly, his staunch denial in a letter to the NY Times with what seems little concern for his daughter as compared to his reputation seems telling to me.  I do not watch anything that has Charlie Sheen in it, because he beat his wife.  I don't see any reason to move beyond that and don't care he may have been the 1/2 of a man on Two and Half Men but I don't have to watch him.   Bernie Madoff was a nice Jewish boy except for stealing billions and trust of thousands?  What would this discussion be like if Woody Allen was a basketball player?  Rock star? Yes, I cannot see the opening, closing, or ice skating of the Olympics without streaming them to my TV.  I believe I can, but ...