Something Older... Wiser... and Happier New Year!

ABSILVER 2013 Wrap Up I sit here on the edge of a new year thinking about tomorrow. Not in the sense, of actually tomorrow, when I will ring in the new year with some good friends at a dinner that starts at 9pm (9pm!). But, more in the sense that if I were a book, I would see that it as the page is turned there is a blank page with a new number on it, a chapter to change the tale and direction of the moment. Or, is it more like a menu at a restaurant that you turn over to see what they have for dinner or their wine list. I am 49 and hopefully only at the mid-point of my life but I must say this has me wondering about the future. There is a consistency in many movies or tv shows I have seen lately where people seem to be concerned about their legacy when they leave this planet to move onto whatever is next. I don't know that I believe in what is next because nobody has ever come back to tell us what it is like. Think about all the personalities in ...