Love, Happiness and World Peace

I have had what must be one of the most amazing four weeks I have had in quite a while.  I feel like I have been reconnected with the core of my being that was always there but I needed to peak inside.  I mentioned in a recent blog about the need of control.  Not of the world around me but the cost of actually making sure I feel in control of me and my destiny.

One can only say in the last few years, I have made some changes in my life.  If you looked at my life ten years ago, it would look similar maybe on paper as they say.  Well maybe, I was part of my own family.  I lived in New Jersey in a great home and was able to spend winters in Fort Lauderdale, with Harry and Daisy.  My job was more high profile, I think I was leading WebSphere sales for general business worldwide and trying to make a difference in a business environment in a large company, IBM.   Life was more about phone calls, and getting on planes and driving new action and activities to make a difference as it was about finding personal things to make me smile...  

Along the way, I was inspired to find happiness and enjoy my life.  I have written so much about my time with Harry and Daisy, and living in New Jersey, that you would be hard pressed not to realize how happy I was.  But, I am not sure if I pursued that happiness or it found me with a kiss.  I think what has changed in the last decade is my own pursuit and value of being happy.  Of making my happiness a priority of my life, and put the same energy toward that happiness as I have to my career.

I can attribute this change to a few course changes in my life.  One, being single and having to regain more control of my personal destinty.  I also think the decision on one cold day in March, 7 years ago, to buy a condo in Provincetown helped alter my life in a way that I will never trully understand.  Provincetown, is like a flower getting ready to continually blossom in my mind.  Where there are so many different ways of looking at her and expecting her to be that if you pay attention you realize that all facets of her can inspire you to something better.   You can't help but want to smile and be happy when you watch other people in your life walking,  biking down the street dancing and just smiling.

I looked at multiple places when I came to Provincetown.  It wasn't 422 Commercial Street that drew me to Provincetown that cold day.  It was a small outdated condo that drew me into town.  There were other free standing cottages on the West End that inspired me that day, and a few that frankly were less than inspiring.  But, I remember walking into this condo and knowing that there was something special for me.  I didn't understand the porch, the charms of the garden, or the wonders of the people.  I remember seeing the view of the water and trying not to smile too much to tip my hand as a buyer.  I didn't realize that not only was I buying a home, I was buying into a community.  A community of owners, and a community of the town that would inspire me to pursue being happier and make me feel special.

I have had the privlige over the last few weeks of watching her through eyes that are not my own.  My cousins came to visit for the Fourth of July and seeing them enjoy her magic touched my heart in a way that I don't think they can imagine.  She reminded me that time in Provincetown is like a tug of war on your soul.  The longer I am there the more she pulls me in every time and I wonder if Carol and Josef had stayed an extra day or two would they be sitting on the porch still.

Frankly, they linked me back also to Father's Day.  I had the honor of being in Savannah with my Dad on Father's Day and enjoying his company and realizing how lucky I trully am.  To have parents that are trully young at heart, and keep reminding me of the zest of life and happiness is quite a gift.  Between my Mom and Dad and my cousins I realized there is something magical to our heritage as a family.  There was a similar ease with them in Provincetown as  it was to sit at home in Savannah with Dad and watch a movie and just relax.

I had friends from Fort Lauderdale up the week of the Fourth as well.  I got a reminder over the last two weeks that not working for a big company, and being a (the) sales leader means when the opportunity presents itself you must work if you can.  So wasn't always able to spend as much time, but am confident that Provincetown entertained them as well not to mention Patti Lupone.  (smiles)

Then this week were the three Amigos.  Who always remind me through their presence, how lucky I am not to just have a great family geneticaly but having a great family of friends who know how to be there when I need them.  The remind me to enjoy Provincetown, and kick me in the butt on occassion when needed.  Last night, we had a great dinner at the Mews.  Then sat on the porch in Provincetown that I think if not the cause of my new path of life certainly was a catalyst.   To have dinner across the street, and realize how much they enjoyed it.  To then lay on the porch after dinner and just breathe and realize that the love of very good friends means more than any night of frolic. (or tea dance)

I love my home in Fort Lauderdale.  I have the luxury of waking up this morning at home, and after a few hours of ferry time and flights to be back home again in Fort Lauderdale and will be smiling in about an hour at a different view, and a different porch.  The greatest luxury of my life, is that either porch hopefully will inspire me to continue to pursue and achieve happiness, love and world peace (just kidding on the world peace part).

For all of you that I was lucky to spend time with over the last four weeks,  my new work family in Petaluma and Provincetown , thank you so very much for helping me along the way on my pursuit.  Hugs to you all!


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