Happy birthday Dad!

Today is My Dad's birthday .... I feel like sharing some random thoughts about himand I.

 1. Going to six flags (or and Rock City) and he carried me everywhere and didn't go on any rides cause I wouldn't go. Think I was three or four.
 2. His gentle love and admiration for my Mom's mother.
 3. He continues to show the love and respect for my mother.
 4. If all gay children had him for a father... they would not be ashamed of who they are. They would realize their father (and Mother's) love is unconditional. Think of the end of bullying and suicides just cause they are queer.
 5. He put up with AEPi family weekends even though all the jokes against TEP.
 6. Surviving teaching me to drive.
 7. Teaching me to drive a manual shift car in a weekend and living to tell about it.
 8. His gentleness with his parents and especially my grandfather later in life
. 9. Showing his children that a man willing to show his love and care for others is a sign of strength. 
10. Showing me by example what is right in the world and continuing every day.
 11. Being willing to give the best advice, and accept when I don't always follow.
 12. Going to Broadway and hustling to the train station back to New Jersey.
 13. Advising me to buy the first condo in Ft. Lauderdale.
 14. Going his own way in life and showing me that is the right path.

I was lucky to spend last weekend, Father's Day, with him while my Mom and sister went to my niece's wedding. I must confess to feeling lucky to get to spend some time together alone. I got on the flight Sunday and i was thinking of what makes our relationship special to me. I am not only lucky to have a smart, nice and loving father. I have always known he loves me. I also realized that we genuinely like each other and enjoy our time together.


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