Is God in A book? The ocean or in our hearts?

I went for my walk on the beach this morning.  Just happens to be the second day of Passover and Easter.  Wondering about God and the world I live in.

For the first forty years of my life, I was the obedient son.  More to the point was an obedient grandson.   I couldn't imagine telling Grandpa I didn't go to shul on a Yom Tov.  Certainly would have not decided not to go to a Seder or host my own.  To the contrary, I even joined a gay shul so I could say I was a member of a synagogue even though I only went there for the high holidays.

Even as I came out to myself, fell in love, and grew as a person I kept kosher.   Hosted sedurim of my own. Tried to accept my religion while at the same time learning to accept the person I am.  The idea of questioning religion and every rule is a Jewish tradition.  Any one who understands where the Talmud came frame knows that debating of Judaism and the meaning of the "word" of God is a Jewish tradition and the reason we are encouraged to learn to read and to study the word of God. 

So, what happens if you question her existence?  There is tradition of that as well.   Moses is to have questioned God's choice of him as leader of the Jews.  And some lack of questioning back to Abraham and being ordered to sacrifice his only son with Sarah.

So, where is God today?  I have and am living a miraculous life.  I call home to two of the prettiest places on earth.  I also happen to now work in a third where the foot hills and rambling fields give growth to grapes and happen to also be home to cows and more.   I look at this and must wonder with many could this just be an accident.  Is it really possible that billions of years the universe snapped in a big bang and of all the possibilities this was one outcome.   It would explain why it is so hard to find another planet with intelligent life.   I don't know and wonder if this goddess maybe was bored and snapped her fingers and started this bang to see what the outcome would be.    Or, is she truly omnipotent and knew at that moment that I would be sitting here in my car watching the sun and typing ?  Or is Einstein idea that time is elastic proof of God do she could see it all at once?

Or, is God in a book?  Is the written word in bibles, Torah's, Korans and other spiritual leadership the home of God.  Is writing a book of stories and laws the home of God as this is to be her "word"?   Is the decision of my eternal future decided by butter on a baked potato with steak?  Is it decided by whether I wear the wrong shoes on a holiday ?  Is it decided by how many hours I am in Church?

Is it decided my ability to admire Sarah and then learn late in life that she was also tragic not trying to protect her son ?  Why was that not the law emphasized in Day School?  That as I was ordered to honor my mother and father (top 5 commandment ) that my parents had the responsibility to protect me.  Even from another parent if their intent was to harm me.  Or even a religious leader such as a Rabbi or Priest ?  Imagine the change for children in a house of worship at an early year they were taught that parents were obligated by God to protect them.    Instead I was taught it proved how much Abraham believed in God  and there was no question to what Abraham's obligation and love of Isaac meant.  He was willing without question to sacrifice his child as ordered by God.  If my memory is good the order came from an Angel.

So, I sit here wondering about the book or how it is taught to others.  Seems great opportunities to empower children and women were not chosen.   But an opportunity to promote the superiority of leaders and must say men was what was taught.

I am not against faith and God.  I am just sharing what is in my heart and head.   I saw the greatness of faith in my grandfather.   I have written about that before.  But I can't imagine he wouldn't  have protected me and frankly I know damn well my Granny would have.

Believe it or not this all started iny head with matzo.  Why?  Cause I was taught that one of the keys to get to heaven was to keep kosher for Passover.  Even if you didn't keep kosher the rest of the year.   But, these are the same men who say I could get stoned to death for loving another man.  Does this mean if I ate matzo it would cancel out the loving of another man ?  Are all these people walking the beach with their families instead of going to shul or church not going to heaven ?

I hope if there is a God.   She is in my heart.  When I love another human being and swell with tears of joy over that love that is God.  Knowing my whole life that my parents love me enough to protect me at all costs.  That when I look out on the ocean or the flowers in Ptown and feel love for the universe that is where she is.  Frankly, if there is a judgement day I like my chances as I am this morning. I have love in my life.  I have a great family and great extended family of friends. 

I don't have any answers to these questions but felt the need to share.

May you all have a very happy Easter , Passover or whatever the day should be for you.

I do wish you all love and Happiness!



Mark said…
And so you see the reality of life. Yes it is random and wonderful at the same time. Not to be feared but embraced with the wonder of a child who seldom fears until taught to do so.
It is through fear that our lives have been controlled by those who use an omnipotent being as the one responsible for their path in life. Fear of retribution for their sins of life or in some cases for the good they do unto others.
We must not be afraid. Life is to question and explore what we are to this world and any other world we may find. Do I believe we are alone in this quest? Now that would be a self centered question if I were a dog. I do not need the question of from where we come answered, only the question of how is best to live the lives we have. Protect this world as best you know how and strive for a better way when possible. Treat each with respect and love for doing so grants return in abundance.
Much love to you Brian in your journey.
Thanks! Hugs and Love to you as well.

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