I am alive to live

I think there are choices in life... you make a choice to be alive at times and more important to live.

There are people who spend every waking moment focused on what Dr. Oz recommends to eat, drink, or breathe to stay alive. But they forget there is a reason we are here. I would suggest that reason is to live. If you believe in a God and there are times I do wonder. I can't believe an omnipotent being put us here on this earth to serve him or her. Frankly, why would she? She could have anything she wants, and control its destiny.

Instead if you believe in Judaism, I was taught God put us on this earth with the personal ability to make choices for or against her. That means we can make mistakes. We can choose to go down a road not chosen. We can make our lives miserable, happy, pious, generous, selfish, kind or anything within our capacity.
Why would a God do that? Think about it. Are we really the first reality TV. The God of all got bored and decided one day to create an earth channel. Snapped her fingers and low and behold the big bang and he sits there and wonders what will happen from that one moment. Here we are in season 2 billion and twelve, or whatever, and we keep moving along. We are supposed to be created in her image, and God knows many humans love reality TV. So, maybe that is all we are.
Or maybe, we have been given either by a creator or Mother Nature the choice to stay alive and frankly to actually live our lives.

This choice is a hard one. I have a feeling that it is harder for women and possible gay men. We are raised to be caretakers. To worry about everyone else and in some fashion to believe our happiness is dependent on the others in our lives. Whether that is children, husbands, pets, employers, or whomever we stand here to make sure they are all happy, healthy and content. This comes at a price I would suggest. There are times where no matter what we do; somebody in our immediate life is going to have hard times.

Maybe a relative is ill. Maybe a spouse is God forbid abusive Or someone is dependent on substances that would get an athlete suspended. These people have challenges and our first inclination is to give till it hurts. Emotionally, financially, or however we perceive that person will be cured or happy. The challenge in most of these cases is the only one who can help this person is themselves and possibly a strong therapist. That means the caretaker is left with a challenge. This person is suffering; our inclination is to want to help, and to try even if we know in the end it won't really help.

What do you do? This person is not only harming themself they are also harming the other people around them trying to help them. This comes back to where I started. Do we have the will to make a choice not just to stay alive but to live? Is the choice to not keep going back to futility, and try to help this person, a bad thing? Or, is the best choice we can make is to live. I mean live life as well as we can, and hope our example of happiness can be a beacon of help for this person and others around us that are challenged.

If you follow my blog at all, you know my answer is people need to live, stay available to help, but somehow park the inevitable guilt that will come from others around us that we don't keep going to the well even if it is dry.

We are here either by divine right, or by the right of evolution to want to live our lives and be happy, and enjoy the people around us. To enjoy pets and family and make sure we care for those that care for us. That is the answer. I don't see another choice. If you decide to just be alive. To keep going to the well of futility for others, then I suggest you are not living. I am not sure what good that does for anyone, and all that it does is cause you anguish and heartache.

We deserve to be happy, and that requires us to do more than just stay alive. We should live our lives and collectively our happiness can help raise the challenges that have come to others. We can use our smiles to create more energy to help those that can be helped. This helps me not focus on being a perfectionist. Not always volunteering to help when I know it expected. It makes my life and my living my life my choice. That means if I am not happy that is my fault. I choose to leave one job for another, and take the frustration this may cause others. But, my choice has to be to live. It also empowers me to take risks of my own.

The nice part of this to me... is I think the human condition is to be kind. People have a tendency to see the bad in others, but I don't think that is our natural state is to be kind to one another. You can see when a calamity hits humans tend to want to do the right thing. To be honest, if the human condition was not to be good then the world would have been destroyed in a nuclear war years ago. Instead these arms have had the tendency in the right hands to cause a more peaceful world.

So.. I am alive to live..


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