What is on my mind this wonderful Saturday!
Things I am sure of at this moment..
1) When I am alone I am not lonely.
2) My home in Fort Lauderdale still pleases me.
3) I get to go for a walk on the beach every morning.. and the view is never quite the same.
4) That the city of Fort Lauderdale invests in keeping the beach clean even in tough budget times.
5) I can just sit in peace and quiet and be content.
6) That I love dogs..
7) I think I have some of the best friends I have had in my life. Many seem to know when to engage or advise, when to be there, when to be supportive, and when to kick me in the but when I need it.
8) I have a great job with people that I truly like, and I they like me.
9) Sorry Jack, but I don't have to look forward to Dancing With the Stars coming back.
10) I don't have much to worry about... although being my nature I will worry some any way. Wouldn't want to fall out of practice.
11) With all the nonsense of our elections, it is good to be an American.
12) The Publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times should resign for even having the gaul to publish that Israel should assassinate Obama. If you look at this president 20 years from now people will see he was a hawk and took out many enemies and these are shared enemies with Israel. Frankly, I would have said the same of any one but it hurts my heart that he is Jewish. I do think the Hawk here is Hillary Clinton. Wonder how history will examine this unlikely partnership.
13) Given any one day of the year in the last 12 months...odds are Fort Lauderdale and South Florida have the best weather.
Things I am not sure about:
1) Why I want Ethernet running through an HDMI cable.
2) Can everyone not see the hate running through Santorum, Gingrich, and Ron Paul? You can't be a professor of history and ignore your own or can you.
3) I appreciate the Occupy Wall Street protest. But, now that you have attention what do you do with your moment of fame? not really sure are you?
4) How many people protesting CEO Pay, protest pro athlete pay? How many of you realize this is basically the same. Also, how many of you would trade places with your CEO for only 20 times the pay or what ever you think is fair.
5) Were we better off before cell phones? Facebook? Twitter? Linked In?
6) The find friends app on my iPhone. Do I really want people to know the crazy ways I get from point a to b? and having to remember to turn it off is a PIA.
7) I do like find friends to be able to see my friends get home safely, and to not have to be a pest to find out where or how they are doing.
8) Is Oprah happier without her show?
9) How is it possible that Meryl Streep exceeds expectations in The Iron Lady.
10) Why people think acting in Mama Mia was beneath her... looked like fun to me.
11) Yes, Apple farms out manufacturing to China. How much more do you all want to pay for i _____. Frankly, we need to support world economies. We all appreciate low prices, and I don't think I could do what they do consistently well.
12) Why Barnes and Noble does not change its physical stores tt Book Nook or something like that. Their ace against Amazon is a physical store... and I hear the Nook is better than the Kindle. Otherwise...
13) The physical stores are falling to Internet retailers the way Mom and Pop stores fell to the chains like Walmart and Home Depot. You would think people would learn even in the difference in Scale here.
14) Why, the cheapest HDMI splitter in town was $80 at Ace Hardware. The cheapest online was $11.99 at Amazon and so far it is working as well as my $99 one from Radio Shack if not better.
15) Why the celery at Whole Foods tastes better than at Publix, and why that seems to matter to me.