Yes.. Glen.. I am thinking!

Happiness is in simple things and not waiting for the big moments in life:
- dinner with good friends at home
- discovering my new oven can be a slow cooker
- leveraging the slow cooker to make a brisket
- learning my TV can do Picasa so can have easy pics for party.
- being happy at home and getting on a plane and knowing at the end of the day I will be happy at home.
- Having Flowers .. in the bathroom? who knew...

These Facebook page of you know you were from confuses me. I didn't grow up in the same Savannah. How queer and I guess that may be the point:
- I don't know the second street bridge
- The daiquiris at spankys.
- Most of the bars
- Or being out late.
Hate to admit, but my priority as a teenager was to get out on my own and to do that meant leaving Savannah.

60 minutes on the future of marketing and 2 minutes a piece of the executives of different companies. Taught me I worked for the best. Sandy Carter made the most sense to focus on those that will influence buying behavior and not try to cover the world.

I love my new employer and job. Feel like I am trying on a new pair of wings and can't wait to see where it takes me. Feel like the last few years were building toward this. (Maybe an old caterpillar)

Cherry wood floors can be as challenging to keep clean as white tile.

I am not into recommendations, but he Kenmore Elite Appliances are the best cooking appliances I have owned. More features than I could use, but they work easily and the oven is easy to clean. The induction cook tops is great also.

How does red box survive with Netflix and others streaming. Why are many Streisand movies not available to stream on Netflix? Who doesn't want the first ten minutes of Funny Lady available at a moments notice? (smiles!)

Best airline experience , at least domestic, is Virgin America. Starts with the lighting of the plane. Employees seem to be happy. Easy to order food and drinks.

When Delta's short lived Song Airline sold food people thought they were crazy. I remember thinking, why not pay for the food it was really good. Now they all put their meals in a box!!!

There were 6 people at the Jetblue gate (workers) to handle my flight from and back to Fort Lauderdale. Even if half were training seems like a lot.

What would the Mona Lisa look like if Davinci had an undo button? The Statue of David? Statue of Liberty? Maybe we try to to undo the perfect things in our lives?
Did Picaso's paintings start as a mistake that would have just been deleted?

Why are most national flags stripes and sharp edge shapes (like stars ?)? Easier to sew... Wonder what they would look like if the creators had no boundaries

Who thought of the mini-cookie idea ? Think it is odd ... Go spend a few hours in the airport. Turned Oreos into a real portable snack. I think I wrote before, the snack of choice in airports was M&M's cause they were easy to eat while running to agate. Yesterday were mini-oreos hands down!

Ever notice when Serena Williams is down she pushes harder. Doesn't become meek and pull back.

I understand the charm of Rick Perry, but his religious outlook and desire to have Texas secede from the United States is scary. Watch him change and rewrite his history to try and get elected. Is the desires of the Tea Party more about Race than anything else?

Michelle Bachman knows how to generate jobs by creating clinics to tell gay people they were created wrong and can change. There is a model to follow. Talk about rewriting history. She wins the Iowa Straw Poll winner. Hopefully she keeps Sara Palin out of the race and then whithers away.

Mitt Romney passed universal healthcare in Massachusetts. Was pro-choice and fiscally conservative. A shame that isn't the Mitt Romney running.

Please explain to me how most experts on CNN and Fox politics became experts ?

What would happen if the two ferries to Ptown both admitted they are really 100 minutes not 90... then occasionally they would arrive early!

Watching a bunch of little kids at camp on the pier in Boston. One African American child and could see the beginning of prejudice from one young white girl. We are talking maybe 4 years old. Thankfully one counselor was African American and could see it unfold. Parents should have seen this to realize how young kids mimic adult behavior.

Songs for Japan not just a good cause but a great cd.

Will cd's / albums launched only on iTunes be called something else?

If you have seen the matrix movies, would you choose to unplug even it meant you would not be as happy?

I think emotional leashes are stronger than spider webs. Glad.. I like most of mine.


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