Here I sit on another flight to Fort Lauderdale... time to write in my Blog.

Here I sit on another flight.. headed to Fort Lauderdale and as I occassionally do with my blog.. it is time to ramble through some thoughts.

I am getting ready to see a friend, a best friend that I have not seen in almost 20 years. I was thinking about what if the question came up what was the highlight of your life so far. I have written about so many of them in my blog, being in a loving relationship, sharing a fabulous dog, the passing of family, friends and Pets. But, what struck me was that I could say one of those moments was last Sunday. I have a good friend, Mark, in Fort Lauderdale. I woke up in Provincetown, and through text and picture messages I
took Mark on a walk with me. Down Commercial Street, looking at some of the decorations for Halloween, and it was fun to take somoene with me even though he was not sharing my walk in person. Then as I walked out toward the breakers, and turned I saw one of the most amazing sights of my life. Spread out before me were dunes, with trees that were all sparkling in fall colors. This may not be a surprise to those of you who grew up in New England but for a southern man who had never seen the leaves change across the dunes I found this quite spectacular. So, I kept clicking the camera on my iPhone and sending pictures to Mark and then posted a link to them on Facebook. Frankly, it brought a tear to my eye and I thought how lucky can you get. To be able to see nature roll out a blanket of color was quite special, and to be able call it home just made me feel like this was one of the best moments in my life.

This journey to Provincetown was an unusual one for me. As, I keep looking to settle down in Fort Lauderdale, and buy a home. I kept wondering what would happen to Provicentown. Would I find a home in Fort Lauderdale, and slowly let the grip of Provincetown ebb away from my heart and soul. I learned this past week, that Provincetown is as much a part of me as it has always been. Being able to be with friends, and see the shore, and enjoy the change of weather... just made me realize that Provincetown was home. So, then I started wondering how to place Provincetown and Fort Lauderdale in my life. I started to think about in terms of food, what a surprise. At the moment, Fort Lauserdale is like that dinner party you are getting ready for. You go to Whole Foods and there are all these fabulous ingredients and so you buy them. Maybe you can't decide between a NY Strip or chicken so you buy both and all the best vegetables and take it home. You know there is going to be a great meal you just don't know what it will be. Provincetown for me is like a roast chicken dinner. I have roasted chicken breast so many times that I know how to do it. So I have confidence that the meal will be fine. My friends will enjoy it, as long as I remember to turn the oven on, and all will be enjoyed. So, one place is settled for now, and the other is still developing like a banquet.

I have written many times here about home, and or looking for home. I have been through moments in my life where I knew where home was. I knew getting off the train in New Brunswick that within a mile I would be walking up that lazy Wayne Street and be home. Or, I would get off the flight from New Jersey to Fort Lauderdale to have Daisy waiting for me with Harry to take me home. Or, sitting on the porch in Provincetown with Pearl laying next to me and neither one of us having a care in the world or a concern of the tourists walking by. Or, having a dinner party in Valley Cottage, NY and watching the trees as the fire burned from that special grill. These are all moments where I knew where my home was and the comfort was there. I keep thinking that I have found that special place in Fort Lauderdale and for one reason or another it has slipped away. So, like Whole Foods I keep looking for the next special ingredient and I know it will be there. I have friends like Mark, that are becoming my family.

What makes me feel lucky, and special today is that my best days seem to happen this week. I don't feel like I have to look back to find them. I can point to having spent time on 4 continents. Filled up my passport, from all the journey and travel I have made. But, I know the best is in front of me. And frankly, nice to know that the past wasn't too shabby either.

So, the next ramble is about brands. I know how important they are. When you think of marketing and an image, nothing can replace a clear brand that denotes your company's mission and reputation. Think about brands that stand out whether they are Starbucks, McDonalds, IBM? or others like Firestone or Pinto automobile where a brand can be so tarnished that it needs to be retired. I have to confess to be enamored with brands from a professional point of view, but personally I feel like I have evolved into a different place. Mercury Cars will be no more soon, and yet I didn't hesitate to buy one. I don't know, I think the last 24 months have re-taught me to look at the value of what I buy and how I enjoy it. If the brand supports my desire, then great, but if the product is not of interest then no brand or label will change my mind. Frankly, re-reading this paragraph isn't that what brands are all about any way?

Lets see, elections... how dangerous of a topic. I have to confess to being interested in voting in Florida. I will vote for Charlie Crist not just cause I do think he will be a moderate and side with the democrats, but frankly because I think he is the most qualified candidate. If he had won the republican nomination instead of charging up thehill as an independent I am not sure my choice would be different. I am definitely a social liberal, but fiscally I can go down the middle. I also think that a moderation of congress to be more balanced politically will be good for the country. Bill Clinton's first mid-term elections gave him the opportunity to moderate to the center and led to some of the best years of prosperity for our country. I am anticipating the same for Obama. I would be happy to see a quite balanced house, and frankly make sure the Senate stays democrat with an eye on any nominations to federal courts that will need to be confirmed. Again, realizing the courts will moderate socially supports my desires and having a congress that is balanced I think will bring the country back to the center and evolve gradually which is not just good for the country but the world.

My next discussion is TV. I am beginning to think I need to go see an allergist. I have not seen any new show this season. Frankly, I have missed every episode of Glee, Project Runway, American Idol, America's next model,chef, dermatologist or surgeon. I would rather at night watch a rerun of Every Body Loves Raymond or an episode of Mary Tyler Moore on my iPad. I know the reason. Part of it, these shows don't excite me. But, I have made such a clear path in my mind not to have to be home to watch TV. Maybe I have taken it to an extreme? Maybe there is some clinic like for those that have a fear of flying, or a sleep clinic where they can watch my behavior and help me figure out why I have such an aversion to modern tv. I keep waking up in chills thinking someone is going to take away my gay membership card or something. I hid the card so don't anybody go looking for it. Isn't having a home in Ptown and Fort Lauderdale a free pass?

Well.. hope everyone has a fun, safe and goulish Halloween. I am being enticed to go celebrate in the hood this evening. So, I land at 6 and have to figure a costume. Wish I had thought of this before I left Ptown!

All the best.. from home.. wherever that may take you.


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