Hello to the world...

I sit here in my little space feeling more optimistic than I have in a long while. The economy seems to be on the mend. For the first time in my new career, I can see work all the way through June and I am at peace for the weekend.

I have seemed to at moments have made some mindless mistakes lately. Last Friday I missed a conference call for work. Last night had some friends over for dinner and accidentally turned the oven off. You can't very well serve chicken tartar. So, over more beer and hummus the chicken cooked. If you ever want a fool proof way to cook chicken breasts (bone in please) Google Barefoot Contessa and Chicken Salad. The recipe to cook the chicken breast is a no fail recipe. That said, I would recommend Whole Foods or kosher chickens to start.

The best part, was having moments this week where my mind just hummed. I had a great call with a partner on Wednesday about something totally new business wise and low and behold it just came together. Good discussion, and I felt creative in my responses. This was the call missed last Friday and I am not sure if I could have done as good of a job then. I was in Provincetown and would have much preferred to walk down the street or have drinks with the girls. So, I think everyone benefited from my mental hiatus last Friday.

Provincetown was glistening over the weekend. So pretty, that I realized the camera on my iPhone was not adequate and so I went out and bought a new Casio Camera just for the pleasure of taking pictures of Provincetown. What a great place to watch winter turn to spring. Flowers and humans alike starting to come out blossom and hang out with good friends.

New Pictures from Camera.

So, back in Fort lauderdale, the sun is shining and I wonder what is next. Had good friends to dinner last night, and headed out with some more tomorrow evening. How lucky can you get indeed. I am feeling more at home here as well. It is almost as if the last 16 years were all about traveling the world to come home or homes.

Enjoy the weekend!


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