Random Thoughts imitating a Blog Entry

I am on a flight from Montreal to Atlanta ending in Fort Lauderdale. Minding my own business and enjoying Bruce Springsreen and my own mind but I keep getting looks of people wandering why I am not working. Why am I not reading pr doing something productive and I thought just sitting here staring into space was productive and frankly peacefull. So to confuse them I am sitting here typing ony iPhone effectively about nothing except the lack of peace.

Montreal was nice and the work productive but in February with snow everywhere is there really a better place to be than South Flotida? I know Palm Springs is nice although I have not been there. (ok here is a first ... Woman sitting next to me is expressing herself.. :).

Interesting ... For a while I was a tense flyer but the more I fly lately the more calm I become. I wondered o. Wednesday if I have flown out of any airport more than Fort Lsuderdale. Between living there on the 90's. Being a snowbird effectively for 10 years. And now living there again as a snowbird I wonder. When I lived in Atlanta I flew a great deal but time was short. But maybe as a a hub connecting Atlanta would win. Newark probably is in the running as well.

So... If u2 is praised by the pope is Bruce Springsteen next? :)

Every time the pilot turns off the seat belt light we run into turbulence.

So... Does mother's milk keep without refrigeration? Inquiring minds want to know.

Stories I don't want to read or hear any more aboutabout; Edwards, Michael Jackson, tiger Woods.

People should disappear from tv Glenn Bech, Sara falin Palin, bill o'reolly, chris matthews.

Doesn't Srrena Williams prove the best remedy to bad news is just to get back out and do what you do best to pit bad moments behind you.

As I sit here, typing on my iPhone, I wonder about the iPad. And why the apple os for it and the iPhone can't multi-task. Would seem natural for a modern os. They must be some to be able to be a phone but this lack of multi-tasking will be a hibderance to the iPad. If java had Been the app platform it would have been easier to re purpose the apps for the iPad. Not sure flash is a problem, bit i think Apple, Adobe and Goigle need to understand coopetition.

Amazing virtualization is the buzzword of the decade when I started at IBM we used a mainframe with a VM operating system that could effectively run ant IBM os in a virtual machine. Makes you wonder if the server market is pointing in ibm's direction. Ever wonder what IBM saw in Sun's books to turn them down and whet Oracle missed in haste?

Most curious is why is Apple in the microprocessor business now as competed to earlier partnerships.

We are landing early... :). No complaints but it screws with my
mind. I had this calm slow pace and now I feel hurried and want to be there. Sometimes there is no method to my madness.

Is there a better song released in 2009 than Susan Boyle singing Wild Horses? Scary ... Sweet and mysterious.

Are we really arriving early cause so many flights from the north were cancelled? Easy to get into Atlanta for a change. Then there was no gate available for 20 minutes.

Oh well back on the ground in Fort Lauderdale TGIF


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