Simple.. Simply.. Peaceful

My life all of a sudden is about looking for simple.. simple life and happy life. What is life and how to find contentment in a sea of complexity. We live in a great time of uncertainty and how do I navigate this challenging time.

Thoughts of the evening

1) Election of Obama as president shows the greatness and evolution of the country I call home. Where just a short time ago, the thought of an African American president was unthinkable. Not only has he been elected, but the country holds its hopes on a new future on him. So, I am amazed at how quickly this country can grow.

2) At the same time... this country voted against my right to marry in three different and diverse states. Voters agreed that gay people should not be able to marry people they love. I have to balance the life of understanding how important it is that Obama was elected with the reality that for now I can not marry someone I love in many of the states of this country. I do feel very lucky to live in the northeast that keeps showing state after state that love is really love.

3) The economy keeps going through challenges. I can't help but wonder what will this economy mean to me. IBM will be effected, and most likely there will be changes of positions, employment and more layoffs. I come to the same question at the beginning of the month. Given a choice what would I chose?

4) Simplicity.. and life. I wonder what the future will be. I feel there is simpler life and it is in Provincetown. I am not sure how to find the simple happiness. How to evolve from a complex life of multiple homes, mortgages, and demanding work to a more simple life of happiness with others in a town where I am accepted for being just me.

5) How do I balance happiness, simple life, with a need to provide for my life and existence. I have to make sure financially I can provide for my life. My reality is I can't depend on anyone else.

Simple.. Simple life.. I really want a happy and content life.


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