The Sky is Falling?

Here I sit with a view of the bay in Provincetown. Working, and watching time pass by. Provincetown has lost its urgency of summer, but not yet fallen into its deep winter time sleep.

In the middle of peace, and hard work... the financial crisis hits home a little. A co-worker asked me if I had looked at my 401K lately.. and of course I had not. I have read you invest for the long term, and at 43 I won't be touching that money for a while any way. But curiousity got the best of me, and yes as everyone else it is down a fair amount from the start of the year. I remind myself that what I should appreciate is how many more shares these funds are buying and when the market turns so will my 401k.

I should pay more attention, but I don't want to be a study of money. Maybe if I was I would be a Warrent Buffet or a Suzy Orman maybe? But, I don't want to dedicate the time and so I let these funds that are supposed to be experts manage it for me. They say younger folks should have an aggressive portfolio which also equates to more risk. My funds had been up, and now for the risk part.

It all just strikes me that this idea of retirement and being a younger retiree don't seem as likely today as they did yesterday morning. I also was noting that there was a post at IBM about someone's 25th anniversary. They were able to use their Co-Op years as part of their years in service which means that in January of 2010 I will have 25 years. Wonder where I will be living and where I will celebrate.

So.. I owe and my 401k it is low so off to work I go.


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