What I would want to have known at 19...

What I would have wanted to know when I was 19.
1. Life is not a sprint.. Or a series of races but is a marathon.Life is a long journey and it is a choice to approach it as a series of sprints with short disconnected races. People only see today and don't see the consequences of their actions beyond today. It limits ability to build security, and causes sacrifices of long term happiness.I approach life as a marathon. A long journey, lots of changes of scenery, and an ability to build long term stability and happiness. Making sure to look for happiness along the way.
2. Financial independence is a key ( not the only key ) to happiness and contentment. How much money is required depends on your desires, but money is a key to independence and self determination.
3. Friends come and go in you life. Even the best of friends will ebb from your life, especially if you keep changing. The key is to enjoy them, and understand this reality.
4. Openness to change is another key to stability and happiness. The only constant is change. So.. to be able to adapt and respond will make you happier. Understanding this stops you from being upset, and helps you keep your eyes wide open.
5. Yield to changes that are beyond your control. Plan your response. You can't help things that are changing beyond your control. But, how you deal with them and respond is key.
6. Being honest and trustworthy is a key to sanity and serenity. Life is too short to keep up with lies, and being dependable and trustworthy will serve you well all of your life.
7. If you find true love, even if it doesn't last, you are a very lucky and it is rare.
8. In the end happiness depends on compromise and flexibility. The world is not black and white. So looking for the grey and understanding that sometimes you will have to compromise, and not get exactly what you want, can help. Sometimes you get what you need and not what you thought you wanted any way.
9. If you plan to work most of your life, you better like the work and the people you work with.
10. Honesty is important, but needs to be handled with care. Honest opinions can be viewed as cruel, and need to be handled with care and comfort.
11. Expecting people to live up to your standards is a waste of time. The only person you can change and meet your expectations is you. This saves much pain and eases relationships.
12. Happiness is a necessity not a luxury or selfish. Happy people have more time, more ability to help others, and smiles are contagious. Don't let happiness not be a priority in your life.
11. Tears are not a sign of weakness. Real emotions are there for a reason.
14. Robert Frost was right. Take the road less traveled.
15. Validate your own life. Don't look to others to tell you your life is good, right, or happy.
16. Wake up most mornings loving your life. If you aren't.. change it.
17. Trust your feelings, logic and thought don't always have the keys to answer the most important questions. Honest feelings are another key to happiness.


Sarah Siegel said…
I love #16 especially. Thanks for including me in your Shalom-note. I just tried to "friend" you on Facebook, but a number of "Sarah Silverman" references came up intead of you. I look forward to keeping up with your life- adventures via your blog and Facebook (once you friend me).

Zei gezunt, Southern Man.


P.S. I don't know when we'll march again in NYC's Pride Parade, but IBM alumni are always welcome whenever we do....That was a special day -- we were a mighty contingent!

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