Fitting In

Where do I fit in?

Am I a nice southern man, living up north? I don't feel too southern these days. I know my roots are in Savannah, GA but I must confess to feeling more an affinity to the northeast these days.

Am I a New Yorker? I may live in Jersey, but I bet most of the people living around me identify with New York. I love New York. I enjoy the city, the shows, the sights, but not sure I would fit the definition. As I look to people in New York, the speed, the drive the desire the constant activity.. I don't think I fit.

Am I a Ptown Townie? I love Provincetown, and the more I am here the more home it feels. But, I don't work here. I work when here, but seems like at times to be a townie and true local you need to work here. You need to earn a living based on the soil or town. I am not an artist, and don't think I have an artist's temperament. So.. although every day I feel more at home.. not sure I fit in.

Am I a gay bear? I am hairy. I like men. I like masculine men. But, I don't dress like the conventional bear. I don't seem to have the same light hearted attitude associated with bears. I do like to eat, but try to keep it in moderation.

So... how do I fit into this world, and or is there a world I fit in that is all of my own? Just wondering...


Sarah Siegel said…
Our differences differ, but I related to this posting. Sometimes, I don't feel like I fit in where I am either. My friend Riva Lehrer once told me that I reminded her of a Carson McCullers character: "...a fierce outsider with her nose pressed up against the window."

I say I want to fit in and belong, and yet I'm always compelled to assert my difference. Maybe I should just accept that my least conventional qualities are the most interesting facets of me.

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