Chicken Soup to cure the common cold and winter blues!
The saying goes that chicken soup is the Jewish elixir that can cure the common cold, and who knows if it may help the new vaccines. (Just kidding on the last one.) I get asked fairly often how I make chicken soup. The recipe started years ago from a recipe on the Empire Kosher Chicken Website. It has since evolved and been updated from experience and watching cooking shows/ To the left is my latest batch, and I will take you all through it step by step. If you have access to kosher chickens, I would recommend them. The koshering process, which is salting the chicken, actually adds flavor and helps the chicken meat hold up, so it is flavorful in the soup being served. If you choose to use kosher chickens, you can skip the first step below. This recipe is for two chickens. If you have less or more, adjust accordingly. Step 1: Brine the chicken. For each chicken, select a pot big enough to hold the chicken and enough water ...