Balancing the Love of family and Faith!

When I was a child. My Grandpa would walk to synagogue on Saturday, Shabbos, morning. Their house was a block or two from ours. If you went to synagogue (Shul), and walked with Grandpa, you also got to have lunch with him and Granny at their house. I loved walking with Grandpa and talking about the world. His advice and stories, like the time he explained to me, he couldn’t understand smoking. Even as a young man, the idea of sucking smoke out of something burning to him didn’t seem wise. He was also a great company for me at Shul. I remember how it was pleasant to be with him. He made me feel special and treated me more like an adult. While the other kids ran around the social hall, I only wanted to sit next to him. At first, he wanted me to be more social and would ask me to go to Junior congregation where the kids prayed. But, eventually, he figured out my secret. I just wanted to be there with him. It was a great treat to walk home with him and usually Mr. Rotkow. We would ge...