It is Sunday, after my birthday, taking a look back!

I sit here the Sunday after my birthday. For the record, my birthday last Friday was a low-key, rainy day in Longview and ended with an early dinner at a very nice restaurant in Tyler, TX ( Culture ETX ). Usually, on my birthday, I hide from social media and as many places as possible so the day passes quietly and we move on to the following year. Dinner was wonderful, and we were back home by 7 PM. I walked DaisyBelle, who seemed concerned that we had missed her walk and supper, normally a 5 pm walk and dinner. Friday morning, I went for a long walk. As I looked back on year 57, there were some highlights. I started a new job with TekMonks and learned that the people are even better than the products and services. TekMonks products and services are unique, and there is great potential to lead in a cloud-centered technology world, and I look forward to year 58 being a great success. I also have learned to appreciate and enjoy Longview, Texas and the m...