What are the signs for help?

I have been sitting on the sidelines for a while. Not writing in my personal blog as I begin a new career adventure with TekMonks. I am doing a great deal of writing for TekMonks, which I enjoy, but it has also been a bit challenging to find something I feel interesting enough and passionate enough to write about. That said, I have found something that is on my mind. I appreciate all the people who post on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook who have written books and podcasts about their advice to us all on improving work, family, home, and other recommendations. I am sure they come from their best practices and good intentions, and I thought what I would share some of my words of wisdom as they may be. I am 57, I know at this age in the professional world that is considered old and dated, but I feel neither. I have had a varied career starting at 13 as a camp counselor, and then to IBM, where I earned a number of 100% clubs and a Golden Circle before headed to NY, where my career va...