142 days since I left Savannah beginning the pandemic self-isolation in Longview, TX

It is Monday, 142 days into the pandemic, and counting. I am usually a happy and optimistic person. We are luckier than many as we have a nice home, low debt, are well fed and our families are healthy and safe. I have Frank's love and yet I still get down just thinking about how this is day 142 and not knowing when this situation will end. I also thought, I am not alone, and it might help others to know how I deal with these down moody times. Exercise for the body: The mornings I go for my power walk sets up a much happier day then when I don't. I walk with weights and do stretches along the way and is some good me time in the morning. I am mentally productive in the morning but not the social being that many of you are and it helps my thoughts get organized for the day. Exercise for the Mind: I am taking online classes to focus on skills to sharpen my mind and resume. Some c...