Can stirring a pot of chicken soup, serve up better business and personal relationships?

How does m y cooking Chicken Soup , drive business discussions? How do they relate, and not talking about ingredients and instructions, but how can they help progress business and personal relationships? These business discussions on golf courses, ball games, and entertainment venues help progress business relationships as well as personal ones. But what if you don't play golf? or sitting through a professional baseball game makes you root for the winning team just to get out sooner? or what if you want a more quiet and friendly environment to get to know your colleague that isn't the usual bar or loud restaurant? Well, one avenue less discussed, is inviting these colleagues and friends to your home for a dinner. It may not have the same "excitement" of a Steelers' Box seat, or a seat in the stadium of the US Open watching Serena Williams play. But, in our hustle and bustle world, a simple meal at your home can be a u...