Diversity lessons from a cat!

There are opportunities that arise in ones life, that, when taken, can open our minds and show us how to accept differences. It all began with a cat. Some readers might be in the “must love dogs” camp. Other on the “must love cats” team. From my point of view, many people who love dogs, don't like cats. Take me for example. My entire life I was sure that I was allergic to cats as I always seemed to sneeze around them. My limited exposure to them plus the sneezing had me believing that I would never actually have a cat in my house. Dogs, such as Daisybelle that you may all have heard of or seen a few pictures of in my blog, Facebook or other places, are easy for me to love and understand. They are happy when you come home, want to make you happy, and with a good personality can be quite entertaining. People can be the same way. If you look around your neighborhood, you’ll probably find that your neighbors share many of your hopes, d...