“Brian is only happy with 97%, of the results at work"

“ Brian is only happy with 97%, of the results at work " said Frank in conversation with a former colleague at IBM, Sid, and his lovely wife, Mafel. We were meeting for an early dinner at Jack Allen’s on Anderson Lane. Sid is great, and Mafel, charming, and we all got along well, especially Mafel and Frank as they both have similar charm and energy. They provided a great contrast as Sid and I discussed IBM and work. With the help of Mafel and Frank, as the evening progressed and after a glass of wine, the topic of discussion transitioned from work to Austin and favorite places to eat and be entertained. Later at home I couldn’t shake what Frank said, "Brian is only happy at work when projects and the job achieve 97% of his expectations and results." He went on to suggest, and rightfully so, that any time my expectations are not met or exceeded translates into professional misery. This struck me as very insightful. It also made me reali...