Birthdays and Short Ribs

Birthdays and Short Ribs In light , of all the serious news of the day, and a year that seems to be full of changes for everyone, I thought I would share something near and dear to my heart as yesterday was Frank’s birthday To celebrate we had a few friends over, for beef short ribs. I have heard others say how hard they are to make, and honest they are quite easy, and so I thought I would take you all through my adventure of making them on Thursday. First, we start with the recipe, from Bon Appetite, at . I ended up not making the lasagna but I stand by the recipe for cooking the ribs. Shopping As all good kitchen cooks know, success starts with the best quality ingredients. Whole Foods or Fresh Market will, but for special occasions and recipes, only a real butcher will do if you have one nearby. Especially if you are cooking a special cut of meat, like short ribs and ...