What is the value of a human life?

What is the value of a human life? I sit here in fear this morning. At moments such as the killings in Paris, I feel like I have something to say and yet I sit in fear this morning of sharing my feelings and opinions. Why? Because there is so much being said about this tragedy and the death of the terrorists that carried this out by people close to me, by others on the Internet, and across the news channels that I wonder what can I add to the discussion. But, there was a post on Facebook from a Rabbi who said the world would have been better off if this man who carried out this evil attack had never been born. Then I decided I couldn’t stay silent any more. It racked my brain to think what if these men had never been born? What is the value of a human life and who makes that decision as to how we as humans evaluate the value of each other. Make no mistake if this man had not been born, we would not be sitting here today discussing his death...