How do you write about your Muse?
How do you write about your Muse? I believe, except for Rhonda Perling, and outside of family I have known Glen longer than anyone. Not just an acquaintance but we were friends since I was in second grade. He came to Savannah from Cleveland, and I always felt like an outsider at Savannah Hebrew Day School and having a new friendly face in the class room helped. Glen and I became friends and spent many a day or evening at his house with him his family and their dog Lassie I believe. One memory from those years, was his fmaily had gotten a swimming pool and I think Glen had Bennie Elkins, and myself over to go swimming. We enjoyed the pool, but he also had gotten a box set of Carpenter Music (wonder if it was a first "box sext"). He and I in particular enjoyed splitting the music and the pool time and was quite fun. After Day School, we would run into each other at the JEA and always had friendly times together but we didn't hang out as much till he we...