Mark Made Me Do It...

I sit here this morning in Fort Lauderdale. As someone who loves to post pictures of lovely sunrises, sunsets, and the warmth of my home today is not that day. I woke up to 58 degree weather, cloudy and rainy and a high that won't push over 70. Which compared to five feet of snow in upstate NY doesn't sound so tragic, but I do feel bad for those who this may be there only week here and they want a beach day. This ends up being an interesting moment in my life. I have been trying with all of my mental and emotional might to fight the obvious moment coming to me next week. No, it isn't Thanksgiving and seeing if I can dry out a turkey. Yes, I do think the pumpkin pie recipe in the NY Times with Butternut Squash instead of Pumpkin is something I want to attempt, but his is not about that either. It turns out next Tuesday, I turn 50 years old. If I turn the clock and look backwards on my family it is quite fair to say this is th...