Saturday is National Coming Out Day: What are you coming out as?
Labels, how do you see yourself? Saturday is National Coming Out Day. If you are straight, you probably haven't thought about coming out! Most people, unknowingly, are assumed to be straight, and thus, the need to "come out" is perhaps a little strange. There are some interesting nuances in today's world. Children of gay parents may at times feel odd about coming out straight, but I assume in most gay families, the assumption until heard otherwise is their children are, for lack of a better term, straight. I have been out to my family for over 20 years and out in most work and friendships for at least that long, so the idea of coming out is behind me. I am not sure if people can tell when I am on a plane, train, or walking on the beach, but here I am out and proud, as they say. What does this have to do with labels? We all have a unique desire to label ourselves so people can accurately put us in a category of familiarity. It happens in our init...