Throw Forward Thursdays

I have been accused of late, that my blog has become introspective. Yes, there are times in my life that I look inside for a moment or two of looking at my life and the future. Should I consider a new career? Should I be thinking about where I live? What would life be like if after 30 years I moved back to Savannah? What is it really like to work at Starbucks? These are things and actions I think about, not as much because I like looking backwards but frankly because they build the building blocks in my mind for the future. So, I sit here and yes I contemplate and analyze my life at times a little too much but more because I am looking forward than backwards. Yes, I know it is throwback Thursdays and time to post that quirky picture of my childhood or of a moment that happened before today and they are all quite cute and funny from others. But, I don't want to throwback to another day before today. See, I actually don't do well looking back ...