It appears that "Season" is upon us, so consider this a Service Advisory from your friendly Fort Lauderdale Residence. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed below are solely those of the author. They should not be associated with any other Fort Lauderdale or South Florida resident. That said if these pointers seem appropriate, and applicable to you they probably are. If they seem inappropriate and not applicable (want to bet) then please take them in the humor they were intended. For those of you, who comment on the lack of seasons in South Florida as a reason not to live here that is not true. We do have seasons here, and they seem to parallel your own. You in the north call it winter: We call it snowbird season. You look for an early spring getaway: We call that cruise ship season. You call it summer: We call it summer. The scientists aren't sure but our seasons appear to parallel yours and seem to start depending on your own impend...