Love, Happiness and World Peace

I have had what must be one of the most amazing four weeks I have had in quite a while. I feel like I have been reconnected with the core of my being that was always there but I needed to peak inside. I mentioned in a recent blog about the need of control. Not of the world around me but the cost of actually making sure I feel in control of me and my destiny. One can only say in the last few years, I have made some changes in my life. If you looked at my life ten years ago, it would look similar maybe on paper as they say. Well maybe, I was part of my own family. I lived in New Jersey in a great home and was able to spend winters in Fort Lauderdale, with Harry and Daisy. My job was more high profile, I think I was leading WebSphere sales for general business worldwide and trying to make a difference in a business environment in a large company, IBM. Life was more about phone calls, and getting on planes and driving new action and a...