
Showing posts from December, 2009

Things I Know and Don't Know for 2010

Things I know for 2010 * Surprisingly after a year of great change, I am happier than I was a year ago. * I need change for work to be interesting, fun and not boring. * That with all the technology, Internet, and "social networking" nothing beats meeting someone or people in person. * You can't really know someone without meeting them. * I am not sure where I will be living in a year. * True friends know when to hold their cards, and when to play them. Cards range from criticism, compliments, jokes, and kindness. * Sorry, but I do like dogs better than cats and not just cause cats make me sneeze. * My hypothesis, is it is not cats but cat litter. Not that matters for the above comment. * That 1 degree of temperature means more in the cold north, than it does in south Florida. (1 vs. 0 is much more interesting than 77 to 76.) * That people need to admit to their own racism to conquer it. * Flying in this economy has gotten easier. And the newer planes are smoother than th...

Growing... into 2010

What have I learned in a year. As of last Wednesday, I am now 45 and as I look to the 46th year of my life the question has to come up. What did I learn in the last 365 days and what do I expect for the following year. I learned in my 45th year that courage comes in all different shapes and sizes. That family is a gift, and my parents being alive, healthy, and happy is a great gift to me, my siblings, and their grandchildren. That dogs are wiser than we humans give them credit for. That with choices comes a challenge, confusion, and sometimes a desire to stand in one place. That many people go through the motions every day. I have created a life where I am full of choice. As I try to navigate these choices, happiness is a challenges. As my friend Rich said yesterday, it was easier going to work every day. You built a routine in your life and things just happen. But, when you have choices and part of that choice is time, and flexibility, that it is hard to maintain focus or happi...