How many times does 2200 go into 310?
Selling Highland Park for me is like a caterpillar who has to wrap itself in a cocoon and shed its skin to be become a butterfly. This morning I am home, sittin here in Provincetown... I never thought 3 years ago that I was moving home when I bought this condo. I bought it for an escape from New Jersey and to give me a gay escape (and Harry) in the months we were up north. But, Provincetown has a way of working itself under your skin and with a great family here at the condo and new friends all over town, Provincetown slowly became home and Highland Park slowly became a destination to escape when I needed space. So.. it maybe smaller (i.e. how does 2200 go into 310) but it is home and I slept like a baby finally being home last night. This sale has made for a very trying month. Selling real estate, or more to the point being a seller of real estate, is not an easy or pleasant task. Inspections, repairs, permits, lack of permits by town folk that knew what was going on from the be...