
Walking the Dog, Facing the Storm of an Election: Why I Can’t Stay Silent

I am your Neighbor! As we approach one of the most monumental elections in my lifetime, I debated whether I should write a blog. Why? Because I live in one of the most red parts of the red state of Texas. I have also been quiet to avoid upsetting family, especially my brother and his family in Israel, by voicing an opinion contrary to their own. But I went shopping yesterday. On the roadside, I witnessed a rally with trucks carrying signs and flags, all for Trump and Vance, in a city where they don’t need to rally. I am also struck by the number of signs for Trump and Vance in my neighborhood. I'm not sure there are more than the last election, but as I listen to Trump and Vance, I can’t understand how so many don’t see the opportunity and risk in this election. So, in the light of that, I thought I couldn’t just stay quiet. Who am I? I am part of the male couple, a family at the end of your block who walks their dog three times a day and feeds a cat or two in the neighborhood, alo

Saturday Reflections: Musings on Life, Television, and Elections

A few random thoughts on a Saturday morning? I appreciate The Bear TV Show and understand the awards, but I don’t like watching it and don’t see any contradiction. In college, I knew how to get an A, and I assume I knew how to get an F, but I didn’t know how to differentiate effort to get a B or C.  This has continued in my work life; I am either all in, or I feel like I am failing. This election year is more stressful than at any point in my lifetime. I don’t understand why the Democrats can’t get behind their candidates as much as the Republicans. I don’t color my hair.  I appreciate being bald, as I don't spend time worrying about my hair. We have had a relatively cool July in Longview; I assume Mother Nature’s payback in August will not be pleasant. People assume I am an introvert.  Not necessarily. I just enjoy my own company.  This is one reason I need my early morning walks alone.  As I age, I realize that change is good; it is desired for me, but trying to change to please

I can’t sit here this morning, quietly, after all!

It isn't a time to sit here quietly. We in the USA are challenged by a presidential race between two men, one 78 and the other 81.  One who has served his country and been part of the political scene since 1972.   During many of those years, he was a senator. He became Obama’s vice president for two terms. He is campaigning and fighting to be reelected president of the world's most powerful country, militarily and economically. Thursday night, he had a bad night in a debate. His opponent looked good but lied about his accomplishments and Biden. As Biden said, it is hard to debate a Liar. But, yes, maybe he is 81 and had a bad night. That doesn’t negate his presidency's accomplishments in helping us recover from the pandemic. He passed bills that will lead to infrastructure improvements that are sorely needed in this country. He has led the effort to cap insulin costs so people don’t have to choose between insulin and food.   He also has a good cabinet of leaders and staff w

From Coffee Shops to Concerts: Observations on Simplicity, Growth, and Understanding

Things that were on my mind, yesterday. The Bible Study group that showed up at the coffee shop with a box of donuts, and most of the members are drinking water. The coffee shop may be fine with it, but it strikes me as odd, and a bit selfish. People who consistently complain and act like they want advice seem to enjoy complaining. I try and fail, occasionally, not to complain about things I don't want advice on or don't want to resolve. Most of the time, my complaints or anger are internal to me, as there is something I did and shouldn't have or something I should have done, and I need to focus on my behavior.   People assume that because we live in a small town in a red state, we must have small minds . It would help if more blue-state people to spend time occasionally in a red-state. They might be surprised that our differences are not as great as they might think, and it is important to understand people with different perspectives than their own Frank and I joined tw

Contemplating the future: Where will you be at the next full eclipse, in 2044?

Good morning, from Longview, Texas on a sunny and cool Saturday morning.  I sat at the Silver Grizzly, drinking coffee, and reflecting on an unusual but great week. Imagine the year is 2044, and we are reflecting on the eclipse of 2024, sharing the experience with family, friends, and children. I will hopefully be a healthy 79-year-old. Today that makes me 59 and actually 59 1/2, which, in terms of tax laws, makes me past potential retirement, as I can take money from 401Ks and other retirement accounts without penalty. It is not that I feel older than I did a year ago, or maybe even ten years ago, but there is a recognition that I can't call myself "middle-aged" anymore. I am also in an odd time, as the colleagues I work with daily are more than a bit younger.   We live in a world and time where age, and more importantly, young age, is more recognized as valuable, and it does make me wonder if I am young at heart or ready for a calmer pasture. On the one hand, I am chall