From Coffee Shops to Concerts: Observations on Simplicity, Growth, and Understanding

Things that were on my mind, yesterday. The Bible Study group that showed up at the coffee shop with a box of donuts, and most of the members are drinking water. The coffee shop may be fine with it, but it strikes me as odd, and a bit selfish. People who consistently complain and act like they want advice seem to enjoy complaining. I try and fail, occasionally, not to complain about things I don't want advice on or don't want to resolve. Most of the time, my complaints or anger are internal to me, as there is something I did and shouldn't have or something I should have done, and I need to focus on my behavior. People assume that because we live in a small town in a red state, we must have small minds . It would help if more blue-state people to spend time occasionally in a red-state. They might be surprised that our differences are not as great as they might think, and it is important to understand people with different perspectives than their own Frank and I joined tw...