
Showing posts from April, 2023

Good family, Good Food, and entertaining kittens, and a good life!

It is a random Sunday in Longview, Texas.  The weather this April has been odd.  One day it feels closer to summer, and then days like today, you could mistake it for a cool fall day, except for all the green leaves.  We woke up this morning to 53-degree weather, and going down to 45 tonight.  Instead of leaving early for a long walk on a Sunday, it was a bit wet.  I spent the early part of the morning unloading the dishwasher, making coffee, and starting a load of laundry.   Not a bad way to start the morning, as yesterday was a day for cooking as we were entertaining the family yesterday evening.  We are very lucky with Frank's sister Jennifer and brother-in-law Greg around the corner, his Mom a few steps further, and his sister Leslie, maybe 15 minutes away.  Jennifer and Greg have a great back porch, and we have enjoyed a few beers and dinners at their home of late, and it was definitely past our turn to have the family over.  Also, ...