DaisyBelle Life Lessons and Therapy for the Pandemic!
Life continues to be uncertain for me as it is for many. Work is in the middle of a career shift , we have a new home with a bit of remodeling that is being compl eted. There are a few external pre ssures beyond my control such as a pandemic, an election, and the weather. Compared to many we are quite lucky but stress and dealing with life today is not always easy for anyone. S o it dawned on me as I walked DaisyBelle, yesterday, that she may have some lessons to share for dealing with these challenging times. Peo ple say dogs are simple and they go about their day with little care just wanting to be fed, walked, and an occasional pat on the head. I don’t think that is necessarily true. DaisyBelle is not just a bystander in our or her own life. In fact, she is making choices and decisions all day that are not just focused on her and are seriously impacted by our moods, if we are sick, the weather, and of course if there are fireworks or ...