Patience is my mantra for the Pandemic!

Patience is my mantra for the Pandemic! My cousin, Sherri Bassner, wrote in her blog about letting go and the challenges we all face when we are sitting at home and have limited outlets to be energized and activities to distract us. She writes much more clearly than I about the challenges of a brain that is always on and looking at issues and subjects and generating new ideas where the major objective right now is to have the patience to make it through the summer. I share her challenge of a brain that doesn't want to slow down and keeps throwing out ideas. Would anyone really stop at a bakery to take cookies conveniently packaged to take home and bake so they have the best cookies hot out of their own oven? Yes, I know you can buy cookie dough in the grocery store. Frank and I spent the month of April and May perfecting cookie recipes including chocolate chip, oatmeal, sugar, and molasses cookies. There must be something more valuable...