
Showing posts from November, 2016

To Smile, to Cry, to Dream, to Fear, or to HOPE!

I am sitting here early at the Fort Lauderdale airport as I have done a fair amount lately.  As Frank, Daisybelle and I drive up to the airport there is a billboard for the Gulfstream Park Stores... and it is for a wedding registry and the couple on the billboard as we approach the airport is two men looking to get married.  I smile and remind myself how lucky I am to live in Fort Lauderdale at a moment of uncertainty. I fear, as I read on Facebook, that a gay male walking through Fort Lauderdale was taunted for being gay in a way that may have been shocking a week ago. That others are threatened, cars painted and some attacked and that could be me. A homeless person was holding up a sign looking for money, and someone shouts out the N word while telling them to get a job.  These hidden prejudices, are not new I am afraid, but what is new is that people feel emboldened to share them so freely.  Even though I hear from friends who vote for Trump, not to worry as ...