What does it really mean to have the world connected?

I admire Mark Zuckerberg. He is young, successful, and rich and has a vision for the value of a connected world. As part of that vision, he is building Facebook and its associated apps and platforms to support a world where everyone is connected, and everyone shares content about their lives and interests. Is this desire to share our every thought, action and moment a native human trait? Have we as humanity considered the effect this may have on our future? It could be a great idea. We know the more we see, hear and talk to others that are different from ourselves that we lose our fear of them. We learn about our differences, but realize in the end of the day that a mother and father love their children, that we all pursue happiness based on our unique culture, and hopefully all desire a peaceful planet. We all focus on some of the same day to day priorities and so this sharing and online social world will help build a more tolerant world. ...